My name is Pascale, I have two children, and I have been working for Enfant Soleil for 7 years as a partnerships advisor, which means I support each person in their fundraising efforts and provide personalized follow-up throughout their project. Many renew their commitment, which allows me to work with some of them for a long time. Over the years, a close relationship develops, characterized by recognition, emotion, and admiration for what they accomplish.
Among them are young children and teenagers, enthusiastic and passionate about the Enfant Soleil cause. These children are motivated by the desire to make a difference and support other children fighting illness. Often, through a simple activity, they not only raise valuable donations but also contribute to changing the world around them.
Whether it’s Émy-Jade with her homemade banana cakes sold in her neighborhood, Justin with his laying hens and small business, Justine who raises awareness at her high school, Charlo who collects empty cans in his neighborhood, Léo and Maïka, two young college students organizing an end-of-year event, Sami with his little jars of caramel, Charlotte with her maple products... and many others!
All these activities combined help raise thousands of dollars to heal the little and big injuries of other children. But even more, they also bring positive and immediate impacts in each of the communities. And these collateral benefits are immensely valuable! Often, I hear stories about a themed day at school when a class showed moral support for a hospitalized classmate, thus raising awareness among all the other students about their friend's reality. By carrying out their activity, the children both contributed to Enfant Soleil and understood the importance of community.
I am a privileged witness to these local initiatives that amaze and inspire pride and admiration from neighbors who come to support these young people, a way to add a few solidary hearts around the families of sick children. There are so many beautiful stories I can read and hear, if you only knew! Many of these young people, once at CEGEP, continued to invest in the cause; all these younger ones not only gave generously but also gained self-esteem and confidence along the way. Many families, professors, and teachers share with me how a single activity ignited the flame of philanthropy, birthed the desire to change things, respected differences, and stood together in the face of adversity! So many stories that touch me.
The impact of small gestures
These motivated and engaged young people remind us that we don't always have to organize large events to have a positive impact around us. They remind us that it's possible to take simple, concrete actions to improve the world we live in. I am convinced that they will become remarkable ambassadors for important causes in our society in the future.
And above all, they will always be there for sick children and their families, inspiring admiration and pride, starting with my own!