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Grant application

Each year, Enfant Soleil financially supports more than 100 healthcare institutions and organizations. Our goal: to ensure that children across the province have access to the best medical care. 

Apply for funding

Visit our online portal to find out how Enfant Soleil can help you carry out your projects. 

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about grant applications? We've got the answers.

The project submission runs from September 1 to October 15.

An independent and external expert committee reviews all submitted applications. Projects are assessed first based on eligibility criteria and then on allocation criteria. The committee evaluates, among other factors, the project's impact on children and its viability in meeting community needs. The annual budget is then distributed among all selected projects. It’s important to note that no project is automatically approved from one year to the next.

In November, an independent expert committee will review the submitted applications and make funding recommendations based on the Fund's various criteria. In December, the Enfant Soleil Board of Directors will meet to approve the recommendations.

An embargoed (confidential) communication will be sent to all applicants towards the end of January to inform them of the outcome of their application. Then, by the end of February, an agreement outlining the terms of the grant will be sent by e-mail.

The embargo on announcing your grant will be lifted when Enfant Soleil publicly releases the amounts awarded in your administrative region. In March, a provincial announcement day will unveil all the projects funded in each region of Quebec. 

Once the agreement has been signed, the grant can be paid out. The first payments generally begin in March. Please note that Environment of Care Fund grants are paid on presentation of invoices for expenses incurred.

Grants can be disbursed by check or bank transfer. A voided check will be required.

  • Identify the equipment awarded using the labels provided by Enfant Soleil;
  • Publish the grant announcement via your digital tools: website, social networks, newsletter, etc;
  • Display the "Chèque Soleil" in a visible place;
  • Send Enfant Soleil a photo and a testimonial from someone benefiting from the grant (child, family, or professional) via the impact report form within one year of receiving the funds.

It is possible to request a derogation in order to modify the equipment granted. Any changes to the initial request must be sent in writing to octrois@enfantsoleil.ca. Derogation requests will then be studied and submitted to Enfant Soleil's Board of Directors for approval.

Need more information?

Contact us to discuss your projects and the needs of the children in your care.